Dental Implant
Dental Implant is a permanent replacement of a natural tooth that could not be saved by any dental procedure. It is primarily made of titanium and appears like a screw with external threads that integrate with boneand threads on inside to receive a crown.
The external threads takes 2-4 months for integration with bone. A crown is placed on implant depending on the condition/ function of implant.
During this 2-4 months multiple visits are taken to make a set of impressions, study models and attachments for implants are given to support the crown.
The Dental Implant can replace 1 or many teeth in order to support a bridge or even a complete /partial denture .
Preparation for Implants require-
We will be able to confirm at an appointment whether your situation requires a root canal, but our patients usually experience following symptoms-
Good oral hygiene
Assessment of bone and soft tissues
Study models
Bone grafts if required
Control on habits
Complicating factors for Implant integration –
Smoking/ Drinking/chewing betelnut
Periodontal diseases
Oral hygiene