RCT (ENDODONICS) is a routine denal procedure which is needed when the nerve supply(called Pulp) of a tooth is infected due to tooth decay or injury.
This pulp if irreparably damaged/infected means its dying. A RCT is necessay to save your tooth so that you can continue to use it in future.
Saving is always better than losing your tooth.
How do I know if I need a RCT
We will be able to confirm at an appointment whether your situation requires a root canal, but our patients usually experience following symptoms-
Pain – ranges from dull constant ache to severe pain that radiates to head and ear
Tooth Sensitivity - from hot, cold and sweet
Gum or Face swelling - with soreness
A RCT involves 1-3 visits,during which affected tooth tissue will be removed.The interior tooth will be cleaned and sealed with a dental filling/restoration followed by a Cap/Crown.
No matter how good an artificial tooth can be, it will never be more than just a substitute for a real tooth. Preservation of your original tooth is always the best option.